All implementing agencies who wish to submit CSR proposals to ONGC are requested to register themselves on CSR Portal ( accessible through
The registration is only for creating a database of implementing agencies.
However, mere registering of the agency with ONGC does not imply that the CSR proposals from agencies will be considered by ONGC, each CSR proposal would be dealt strictly on individual CSR proposal merit.
ONGC At A Glance
explore us

A team comprising more than 27,000 dedicated professionals toil round the clock to amplify the performance figures of ONGC’s exploration and production activities of oil & gas and related oil-field services. Needless to emphasize, this has been made possible by the men & women behind the machines who have built & nurtured a world-class human capital poised for leadership in the energy business.
27,000+ Total Workforce

Despite facing an economic slowdown owing to the COVID-19 pandemic & Ukraine-Russia conflict, ONGC manifested its resilience & outstanding performance by posting its highest-ever net profit of Rs 403,057 million against Rs 112,464 million during FY'21. Oil & gas production (inclusive of Joint Ventures) stood at 43.39 MMTOE versus 45.35 MMTOE in the preceding fiscal year.
1,12,464 million Total Assets

Being an integrated Oil & Gas Corporate displaying a dynamic in-house capability in all aspects of exploration & production business, ONGC contributes to around 70% of India's crude oil and around 84% of its natural gas production. Its structured & holistic approach is assured to play a major role in transforming the Maharatna into India's energy anchor.
71 % Total Production

Our wholly-owned subsidiary & overseas arm, ONGC Videsh owns Participating Interests in 32 oil and gas assets across 15 countries. Being the second largest petroleum company of India in terms of reserves and production, next only to its parent company, ONGC Videsh registered production worth 12.330 MMTOE from overseas assets in FY 2021-22.
Operating in 15 Countries

36.37Mw Total installed Solar Power Plant in ONGC till Jan 2023

153.9 MW Total installed Wind Power Plant in ONGC till Jan 2023

35.4723MU Total Solar Energy Generated by ONGC Plants in 2022-23 till Jan 2023

340.74MU of energy saved due to energy efficiency initiatives