
Sea Survival Training

  • Why is Sea Survival Training critical?

  • ONGC’s Sea Survival Centre: A National, and indeed, a Global asset

  • Safety is paramount and valuable

  • A Training for all!

  • Other important training protocols


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A giant sea turtle was trapped

Not every story ends so  beautifully about sea life mistakenly caught in a net, so it’s important to  recognize when one does!

It is an established  fact that ONGC being a responsible corporate entity, is committed towards  Environment by its ecologically sensitive working practices. But  this time, ONGCians have demonstrated this sensitivity to wildlife even during  their operations. Team of ONGCians at NQ Process Complex of Mumbai High rescued  a Giant Turtle.

On 11th October, a giant Sea Turtle, weighing over 25 Kg and about half a Meter length  was noticed near NQP boat landing at the riser guard area. The sea turtle was  trapped in an abandoned fishing net which was entangled at the riser guard leg.  If not rescued this turtle would have died as it was entangled around its neck  and was struggling to breathe.

OIM-NQO's Rescue Team

On  noticing the trapped sea turtle, OIM-NQO formed a Rescue Team which made an  arrangement by which the trapped turtle could be lifted to the spider deck to  remove it from the fishing net.

After  moving the turtle to the spider deck the fishing net which was entangled around  the neck of the turtle was cut carefully and the turtle was removed from  fishing net. Thereafter it was carefully released to the sea and it swam away  happily.

Team NQ contribution to save wildlife

Most  species of sea turtles have been put in category of Endangered Species. Team NQ,  in that sense has contributed to Wildlife conservation and set an example for  all to emulate.

Asset  Manager of MH Asset congratulated OIM NQ-Complex team for their commendable job  and their commitment towards protection of marine creature. He further stressed the need to spread  awareness about the hazards of abandoned fishing nets to marine lives.