
Sea Survival Training

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  • ONGC’s Sea Survival Centre: A National, and indeed, a Global asset

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ओएनजीसी बोर्ड ने दीप-पानी एनईएलपी ब्लॉक केजी-डीडब्ल्यूएन -98 / 2 के क्लस्टर 2 क्षेत्रों के विकास के लिए फील्ड डेवलपमेंट प्लान (एफडीपी) को मंजूरी दी


  1. Investment :                              USD  5,076.37 million (INR 34,012 Crore)
  2. Total Oil Production :                23.526 MMt
  3. Total Gas Production:              50.706 BCM
  4. includes Development of:        Cluster 2A Oil and associated Gas fields and Cluster2B free Gas fields
  5. First Gas:                                 June, 2019
  6. First Oil:                                    March, 2020
  7. Overall completion of project:  June, 2020

Board of  Directors of ONGC have, in its 280th meeting held today, approved  the Field Development Plan (FDP) for the development of fields falling under Cluster 2 of the Deep-water NELP Block KG-DWN-98/2. The development would  involve a Capital expenditure of USD 5,076.37 million (equivalent to INR 34,012  Crore 1 USD = INR 67).

Cluster  2 of the Block has been divided into two parts (i) Cluster 2A which has estimated  In-place reserves of 94.26 MMt of crude oil and 21.75 BCM of Associated Gas (i.e.  Solution Gas + Gas Cap Gas); and (ii) Cluster 2B which has estimated In-place  reserves of Free Gas of 51.98 BCM. Production is envisaged at a peak oil rate  of 77,305 bopd and 3.81 MMSCMD of associated gas through 15 producer wells along  with 12 water injection wells with a peak water injection rate of 9,400 m3/d  from Cluster 2A oil fields. Peak production rate of free gas is envisaged at 12.75 MMSCMD from 8 wells of Cluster-2B free gas fields. Total oil and gas production  envisaged is 23.526 MMt and 50.706 BCM respectively during the project life  from the Cluster 2. The peak daily production rate from the Cluster 2 works out  to 16.89% and 27.60% of ONGC’s current  production rate of crude oil and natural gas respectively.

Facilities envisaged as part of the project include one Gas  Process Platform with a bridge connected Living Quarters platform for  processing gas from Free gas wells, FPSO for Processing, Storage and evacuation  of Oil/ Gas from Cluster 2A fields, about 430 Kms Sub-sea Pipelines of various sizes from 6” to 22”, about 151 Kms umbilical and 10 Manifolds, Riser base  Manifolds and Onshore gas handling terminal. In addition drilling and completion of 35 wells (15 Oil Producers, 12 Water Injection and 8 Free Gas  Producers) have been planned.

The project envisages first gas to be produced by June  2019, first oil by March 2020, with overall completion in June 2020.

BCM: Billion Cubic Meters

FPSO: Floating Production Storage and Offloading

MMSCMD: Million  Standard Cubic Meters Per Day

MMt: Million Tonnes


Issued By
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.
Corporate Communications, New Delhi,
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Mail: ongcdelhicc@ongc.co.in 
CIN No: L74899DL1993GOI054155