ONGC, over a period of time, has introduced several welfare schemes for its employees and their dependent family members in order to improve their quality of life, besides improving the morale and motivation of its employees.
Employee Welfare initiatives undertaken by ONGC:
Medical Facility
All regular employees and their dependent family members are provided free medical facility through the dispensaries/hospitals of ONGC and through empanelled hospitals, which includes OPD as well as indoor treatment facility. Retired employees and their spouses as well as dependents of employees who die in harness are also provided free medical facility at par with regular employees.
Loans and Advances
In order to mitigate financial hardships for acquiring land / house, vehicle, etc. loan facility is available to employees. Employees are also eligible for Children Education Loan to enable their wards to pursue higher education both in India and abroad.
HBA & Conveyance Mortgage Redemption Scheme
This employee welfare initiative provides relief to dependents of deceased employees from the liability of outstanding HBA and/or conveyance advance along with interest.
Housing Facilities
ONGC has established townships at most of its work centres. In addition, ONGC also takes houses on lease for its employees. Bachelor Accommodation is also provided to employees who are posted on bachelor status. The Employee Beneficial Scheme of ONGC also facilitates its employees to avail self- lease facility where adequate housing facilities do not exist.
Education Facilities
ONGC has established 24 Project Schools at most of its work centres. Of these, 15 are Kendriya Vidyalayas. In addition, ONGC has also established 9 Shishu Vihar Schools for imparting pre-school and Kindergarten level education. These schools are being managed by the ONGC Officers’ Mahila Samiti at the work centres.
ONGC provides canteen facility at all its work centres on ‘No Profit’ basis. In operational areas such as drill sites and offshore where extended stay is involved, free boarding and lodging facilities are provided by the company to its employees.
Working and Living Conditions:
ONGC is constructing its upcoming offices at Delhi, Dehradun. Mumbai and Kolkata, as ‘Green Buildings’. The Green Buildings at Dehradun and Mumbai were inaugurated in 2013 and 2014 respectively. In other work centres also, systemic improvements in office accommodation and facilities is undertaken.
Residential Complexes
Renovation of existing colonies/guest houses is being done at many work centres to make the facilities more in sync with present day requirements. In addition, energy supply through alternate sources of energy such as wind energy and solar panels have also been introduced in some of the townships. Water Harvesting has been institutionalized in all ONGC residential colonies.
Resident Welfare Associations
Resident Welfare Associations have been set up at various residential townships of the company at work centres for ensuring better customer satisfaction among residents by way of speedy Redressal of complaints, organizing socio-cultural activities and other welfare initiatives for the residents.
Employee Welfare Committees
Employee Welfare Committees have been set up in all work centres of the company for promoting and organizing employee welfare activities like sports, games, literary and cultural activities among employees and their family members.
Officers’ Clubs
Officers’ Clubs are functioning at all work centres and providing avenues for recreation and enhancing the quality of life to all executives and their families.
ONGC Officers’ Mahila Samiti (OOMS)
OOMS is actively involved in various employee welfare activities for meeting the social objectives of the Corporation like running crèches and ShishuVihar Schools, organizing health awareness camps, helping poor and needy differently abled children and arranging vocational training and conducting adult education programmes.
Grievance Management System (GMS)
ONGC has a well-established online Grievance Management System for its regular employees comprising of a three-tier structure at work centre level and an independent Appeals Committee at the corporate level.
Work-Life Balance Avenues
Opportunities to participate in social, cultural, sports and adventure events in Townships, Officers’ Club, MahilaSamitis, Community Centres, through Active RWAs , Beyond Office Activities, Territorial Army, Tie Ups with Prestigious Social Clubs, ONGC Himalayan Association, ONGC Rifle Club and CSR activities.
Training Program on Work Life Balance for working employees: Programs on stress management are being regularly organized through reputed institutes like (Swami Vivekananda Yoga AnusandhanaSanstha) SVYAS, BANGALORE wherein executives are trained in handling stress at physical mental and emotional intellectual levels.
A Women Friendly Workplace
ONGC prides itself as an equal opportunities employer. The country’s top Maharatna provides one of the most women-friendly workplaces, with progressive and empowering policies to enable both women and men to excel at work and achieve work-life balance. ONGC has won several awards and accolades for being a model employer for women, having gender inclusive policies. Women are entering the organization in significant numbers as ONGC provides the work culture and enabling environment where women are nurtured to grow in their career paths into managerial and leadership roles, and eventually into corporate board rooms.
There are many employee-friendly HR policies for all employees across ONGC. In addition, there are specific women friendly policies in ONGC, some of which are listed below:
- 180 days Maternity leave/15 days Paternity leave
- 730 days Child Care Leave
- Special consideration in transfers, postings & job rotation
- Nomination of senior women executives in all Selection panels during recruitment
- Complaint committees for dealing with cases of sexual harassment
- Sexual harassment has been incorporated in ONGC Disciplinary Rules as a misconduct
- Training programs are organized for professional development of women at top Management Institutes like IIMs/MDI
- Compulsory nomination of women in all training programs
- Encouraging women to take up challenging assignments including postings in operational areas
- Provision for Creche facilties at all work-centres