
Sea Survival Training

  • Why is Sea Survival Training critical?

  • ONGC’s Sea Survival Centre: A National, and indeed, a Global asset

  • Safety is paramount and valuable

  • A Training for all!

  • Other important training protocols


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मुंबई उरण ट्रंक लाइन का रिसाव: अद्यतन

On 21.01.2011, a leakage was detected at ONGC's Mumbai Uran Trunk (MUT) oil pipeline. The leakage was observed around 2 kms from BPB platform (Bassein oil and gas field) in Western Offshore, 80 kms from Mumbai Coast.

The production from Mumbai High was resumed by diverting oil to ICP Heera Uran Trunk (HUT) pipeline. Some of the wells were kept closed due to operational constraints. The loss of production was around 25,000 bopd on the day of incident.

ONGC mobilized a tanker for augmenting the production which was deployed by SCI on 23.01.2011 at SHD platform. The current production as on date is around 312,000 bopd from Western Offshore and expected to reach around 317,000 bopd by late evening which is around 3,000 bopd less than average normal production.

ONGC has prepared the short term and long term action plan for repair of MUT line. The short term repair is expected to get completed in another week's time as the permanent repair may take considerable time based on the availability of the long lead materials.

However, surveillance and monitoring of operations shall continue till the line is permanently repaired/ restored.

Issued By
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.
Corporate Communications, New Delhi,
Phone: +91-11-23320032
Tele-Fax: 011-23357860
Mail: ongcdelhicc@ongc.co.in