
Sea Survival Training

  • Why is Sea Survival Training critical?

  • ONGC’s Sea Survival Centre: A National, and indeed, a Global asset

  • Safety is paramount and valuable

  • A Training for all!

  • Other important training protocols


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ओएनजीसी ने रुपये में निवेश करने का फैसला किया पश्चिमी अपतटीय में दो प्रमुख परियोजनाओं में 10,600 करोड़ रूपये उत्पादन बढ़ाने के लिए

Board of ONGC, has approved today two major investment decisions valued over Rs. 10,600 Crore for further enhancing production from its Western Offshore fields. The projects are- Redevelopment (Phase-III) of its giant offshore field - Mumbai High (South) involving a capital investment of Rs 6,069 Crore and Integrated Development of Mukta, Bassein and Panna Formations at an estimated Capex of Rs. 4,620 Crore.

1. Redevelopment of the Mumbai High (South) - Phase III

The implementation of the project will lead to incremental gain of 7.547 million tonne (MMT) crude oil and 3.864 billion cubic meter (BCM) gas by 2030. This project is designed to carry forward the success of the previous two phases of redevelopment project and give a new lease of life to the giant field.

The Project comprises of drilling 36 new Wells and 34 sidetrack Wells, and facilities i.e. installation of 3 well platforms, two clamp-on facility for wells on existing platforms, associated pipelines and modifications at 18 platforms. The facilities under the project are scheduled to be installed by April, 2017. Drilling of Wells and the overall project completion is scheduled for March, 2019.

The Project aims to further develop of L-II, S1 and Basal Clastic reservoirs along with the major L-III reservoir and integrating the required inputs.

2. Integrated Development of Mukta, Bassein and Panna Formations

This Project located at a water depth of 50-70m and about 80-90 Km from Mumbai coast is designed to carry forward the success of the previous two phases of redevelopment through installation of booster compressors in year 1999 to boost delivery pressure from 55 to 105 Kg/cm2 and in 2007 to boost pressure from 25 to 60 kg/cm2. In order to further enhance the field life and increase recovery, this project envisages increasing gas pressure from 10 to 27 Kg/cm2.

The incremental production is expected to start in 2014-15 with peak incremental production rate of 10 MMSCMD of gas, 950 barrels of oil and about 1100 cubic meters of condensate per day by 2017-18. The cumulative production till 2027-28 is pegged at 19.56 BCM of Gas, 1.97 million cubic meter of Condensate and 1.83 MMT of Oil. The gas and condensate will be evacuated to Hazira Plant.

The project envisages drilling of 18 Wells including 5 subsea Wells, installation of one new process platform having gas processing and compression facilities, one nine-slot Well Head Platform, topside modification on existing platforms, associated pipelines and one living quarter platform. The project is scheduled for completion by April 2017.

Issued By
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.
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