
Sea Survival Training

  • Why is Sea Survival Training critical?

  • ONGC’s Sea Survival Centre: A National, and indeed, a Global asset

  • Safety is paramount and valuable

  • A Training for all!

  • Other important training protocols


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ओएनजीसी ने अपने विजयी एवरेस्ट अभियान दल को बधाई दी

The ONGC management including CMD Mr. D.K. Sarraf, Director (HR) Mr. D.D. Misra, Director  (Offshore) Mr. T.K.Sengupta, Director  (Exploration) Mr. A.K. Dwivedi, Director (Finance) Mr. A.K. Srinivasan, ED  Chief Security Mr. D.C. Srivastva welcomed the victorious Everest Expedition  Team by presenting them plaque and a plant at PDDU Urja Bhawan, New Delhi on 13  June 2017.

Victorious Everest Team with ONGC Management

Victorious Everest Team with ONGC Management

CMD  Mr. D.K. Sarraf, while speaking about the importance of this mission to ONGC  and its employees, remarked that this mission proves that adventure is part of  ONGC’s DNA and that dreams do come true with perseverance and hard work. He  further added that we all  learn a lot of management lessons from how the  team of young amateurs could scale the highest peak on the planet.

Mr. Sarraf added that dreaming is very important and this dream became  a reality due to grit of team members, blessings of family and support system as every ONGCian hoped for their successful return. He congratulated the  Team leader and support provided by IMF, HR and Coordination teams to make this  mission a resounding success.

In  his welcome speech, Director (HR) Mr. D.D. Misra congratulated the victorious  Everest Expedition members and praised their family members for the support  provided to them during his tough mission. He added that this was an Illustrious  achievement for ONGC and that the Everest Expedition Team has lived dreams of thirty-three  thousand plus ONGCians and they will forever look at them for inspiration.

Mr.  Misra added that Team spirit was identified as major success factor for  expedition team and that the qualities developed during this expedition will  enable them to succeed further in their professional career. He further  remarked that big victories aren't achieved by single but group efforts and indomitable spirit, which was well witnessed as the team brought back over five  hundred kilos of garbage from Everest peaks under the aegis of Swaachta Abhiyan.

Earlier,  the victorious team members shared their experience of the journey to Mt.  Everest and showcased several breath-taking pictures and videos captured during  the mission. The team also showcased a video in which they are singing National  Anthem at the top of Mount Everest.


Glimpses of the event

Glimpses of the event

The  Hon’ble Minister of State, Independent Charge, Mr. Dharmendra Pradhan had  flagged off ONGC Mission Everest Project on 28 March 2017 as ONGCians along  with Padma Shri Love Raj Singh tried to scale the highest point on earth. The  idea of Mission Everest was borne out of the team’s successful completion of  the Everest Base Camp Trek in October 2015. From then on, there has been no  looking back. ONGC CMD exhorted all team members on their return to target Mt  Everest.