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ओएनजीसी के सीएमडी ने कॉर्पोरेट और उद्योग श्रेणी में मानव रचना उत्कृष्टता पुरस्कार 2017 से सम्मानित किया
In a glittering ceremony at Manav Rachna University Campus in Faridabad on 2 April 2017, CMD ONGC Mr. Dinesh K Sarraf was awarded the Manav Rachna Excellence Award 2017 by the Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (MREI). The award was given in ‘Corporate and Industry’ category for his exemplary contribution to Oil & Gas Industry. The award was presented by Hon’ble Governor of Haryana Prof. Kaptan Singh Solanki on the occasion of 70th birth anniversary of Dr. O P Bhalla, Founder of Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (MREI).
ONGC CMD Dinesh Kumar Sarraf (extreme right) receiving the Manav Rachna Excellence Award 2017
On this occasion, CMD thanked the Manav Rachna Trust and the jury for the award.
Citation - Hindi Citation - English
Manav Rachna awards are bestowed on persons displaying exemplary performance in each of the categories viz. Life Time Achievement, Nation Building, Sports, Young Leader and Corporate and Industry.
Glimpses of the event
The other awardees are Ms. P V Sindhu for Sports, Ms. Shardna Suri Marwah, MD, Subros for Young Leader, Mr. R C Bhargava, MD Maruti Suzuki for Nation Building, Mr. Rajan Nanda, CMD, Escort Group for Life Time Achievement.
The ceremony was witnessed by a packed audience
The jury for selection of awardees was headed by Dr. Pritam Singh.