Sea Survival Training
- Why is Sea Survival Training critical?
- ONGC’s Sea Survival Centre: A National, and indeed, a Global asset
- Safety is paramount and valuable
- A Training for all!
- Other important training protocols
ओएनजीसी ने ऊर्जा और पर्यावरण फाउंडेशन वैश्विक स्थिरता पुरस्कार प्रदान किया
GGM-Chief CM & SG receiving the award
ONGC bagged the prestigious “Energy and Environment Foundation Global Sustainability Award 2016” in Gold Category. The award was received by Mr Jai Singh, GGM-Chief, Carbon Management & Sustainability Group on behalf of ONGC.
The award was presented in a glittering awards ceremony during the 7th World Renewable Energy Technology Congress International Conference and Exhibition on 23rd Aug 2016 at Manekshaw Centre, New Delhi.
Director (Exploration) accepting the award from GGM-Chief CM & SG
The award is conferred to ONGC for excellent and outstanding contributions, commitment and actions that have made a positive impact on the environment. The award is an inspiration for the transformative action, business excellence and environment management.
Director (Exploration) Mr A. K. Dwivedi,graciously accepted the award from Mr Jai Singh and appreciated the efforts made by ONGCians and encouraged to undertake new ways to mitigate the impact of climate change. Chief CM&SG expressed special gratitude and sincere thanks to Director (Exploration) for his kind guidance, direction and support for the implementation of sustainable development activities in ONGC.
Team CM & SG with Director (Exploration)
ONGC continually strives to demonstrate best practices to address emerging environmental challeges due to climate change. Carbon Management & Sustainability Group functions as the nodal agency for induction of concepts, applications and technology in the domain of carbon emission management and sustainable development and plays a major role in the effective implementation of sustainable development projects in ONGC.