
Sea Survival Training

  • Why is Sea Survival Training critical?

  • ONGC’s Sea Survival Centre: A National, and indeed, a Global asset

  • Safety is paramount and valuable

  • A Training for all!

  • Other important training protocols


Asset Publisher

31 मार्च, 2009 को समाप्त तिमाही के रूप में शेयरहोल्डिंग का वितरण

Shareholding Distribution As On Quarter Ending March 31, 2009

April 24, 2009, ONGC News

Details of Persons/Entities Holding 1% or More Shares as on March 31, 2009

Name of the holder(s) No. of Shares Percentage Category
President of India 1,585,740,673 74.14 Indian Promoter
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 164,480,857 7.69 Other Govt. Company
Gas Authority of India Ltd. 51,400,267 2.40 Other Govt. Company
Life Insurance Corporation of India 56,068,127 2.62 Insurance Company

Distribution of Shareholding as on Quarter Ending March 31, 2009

Category No. of Shares Percentage of Shareholding
A. Promoter's Holding    
1. Promoters    
- Indian Promoters 1,585,740,673 74.14
- Foreign Promoters NIL --
- Persons Acting in Concert NIL --
Sub Total 1,585,740,673 74.14
B. Non-Promoters Holding    
2. Institutional Investors    
a. Mutual Funds and UTI 36,656,577 1.71
b. Banks, Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies (Central / State Govt. Instts. / Non-Govt. Institutions) 105,054,973 4.91
c. FIIs 116,097,133 5.43
Sub Total 257,808,683 12.05
3. Others    
a. Private Corporate Bodies 256,472,098 11.99
b. Indian Public 37,456,781 1.75
c. NRIs/OCBs/Clearing Members 1,394,295 0.07
Sub Total 295,323,174 13.81
Grand Total 2,138,872,530 100.00