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ONGC athletes earned laurels for the company by securing three medals – including two Gold and one Silver – at the 59th Inter State Senior National Athletics Championship held at Lucknow, held from 27 – 30 August 2019.
Mr Siddhanth Thingalya, who specialises in 110 meters-hurdles, bagged the Gold Medal, with a new meet record in his event, with the timing of 13.65 seconds. Siddhanth joined ONGC on 27 April 2012. He is also the current National Champion and National Record holder in hurdles.
Siddhant Thingalaya Arpinder Singh Kirpal Singh
Mr Arpinder Singh, a star Indian triple jumper, won the Gold Medal in Triple jump event. Arpinder, who is also the Asian games Champion in this event, jumped the distance of 16.83 meters. Arpinder joined ONGC in 2012 and has been performing exceptionally well since his recruitment.
The third medal came from Mr Kirpal Singh, who bagged the Silver Medal in Discuss Throw. He was first among the Indians, as the gold went to Iranian Discus thrower. In these championships five countries were invited to participate. These were also one of the qualifiers for World Championships, which are going to be held in Doha, Qatar from 27 September to 6 October, 2019.