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Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, Department of Higher Education, Management Division has nominated Mr Ved Prakash Mahawar, Director (Onshore), ONGC as a Member of Society and Board of Governors ( BoGs) IIM Rohtak. Mr Mahawar is one of the four representatives from the Industry nominated by the Central Government for the period of five years.
V P Mahawar, Director (Onshore), ONGC
Mr Ved Prakash Mahawar possess 34 years of vast experience of managing drilling and operational functions, holding various key positions across vast spectrum of oil field activities.
He is a Mechanical engineering graduate and started his career with ONGC as a Drilling Engineer in 1982. He is known as the first sub-sea engineer of ONGC. He has to his credit more than 25 papers presented in international conferences. He also developed "Well Control Manual for Offshore Operations" and was part of the team to develop OISD Standard 174 for Well Control Practices.
His managerial skills were visible in the controlling of 33 major blowouts of ONGC, OIL India Ltd., Iran offshore of OVL, underground blowout in Najwat Najem block of Qatar offshore. His project management skills outshone in expediting projects of Onshore under stage gate process-Gamij Redevelopment Project, Madanam development project, Sonamura GCS project and CBM Bokaro Project which has helped in boosting production from Onshore.
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Corporate Communications । निगमित संचार
ONGC । ओ एन जी सी
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