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Main Oil Line (MOL) Pumps at Neelam and Heera AssetMain Oil Line (MOL) Pump at N&H

ONGC’s pursuit to address climate change concern is not driven by any commercial angle, but to take concrete measures to manage and mitigate carbon footprint and aid in sustainable growth. This commitment is once again demonstrated with the registration of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project “Replacement of Main Oil Line (MOL) Pumps at Neelam & Heera Asset” under Kyoto Protocol. Formal communication has been received from United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) confirming successful registration of the project – vide reference number 10302.

The replacement of old MOL pumps with new one would save approximately 5694 MWh of power consumption. The project activity contributes to an estimated Green House Gas Emission Reduction to the tune of 10,539 tonne of CO2 per annum.


CDM activityA schematic representation of project boundary for the CDM activity

The project will thus contribute towards sustainable development considering:

  • Social well-being: by contributing to the overall objective of energy security.
  • Economic well-being: in terms of purchasing high technology equipment, technical consultancy, project management, infrastructure and transportation, man power deployment etc. by way of which the project directly or indirectly contributes to economic development.
  • Environmental well-being: by way of mitigating effects of climate change and enhancing local environmental conditions.
  • Technological well-being: in terms of using advanced pumping systems having number of technical advantages. This would further promote use of similar technologies and facilitate reduction of electricity consumption in MOL systems of oil & gas fields.

Mr. Jai Singh, GGM-Chief CM&SG who has overall supervised the work has presented the same in person to Mr. A. K. Dwivedi, Director (Expl.) & Director I/C CM&SG. While presenting the work, the Director (Expl.) has highly appreciated the work as it is extremely credible to ONGC to add one more CDM project in the account of ONGC.

CM&SG wish to place on record the continuous guidance and encouragement given by Mr. A. K. Dwivedi, Director (Expl.) & Director I/C CM&SG in pursuing the climate change initiatives of ONGC.

GGM-Chief CM&SG is sincerely indebted to Mr. A. J. Morbale, ED-Asset Manager, Neelam & Heera Asset and his Team for providing all necessary inputs for the successful validation of the project.