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Centre for Excellence in Well Logging Technology (CEWELL) conceived as 1st Centre of Excellence by the visionary CMD Late Subir Raha, started functioning on 2nd Feb 2006. This institute has been established to provide complete integrated Petrophysical E&P solutions.

CEWELL prepares robust petrophysical models and provides input for risk reduction in E&P portfolio. The institute has developed workflows for evaluation of frontier exploration areas including Basement, Shale gas, Gas Hydrate, complex carbonate, thin beds and low resistivity & low contrast reservoirs. It also generates valuable and valid petrophysical lab data viz. Petrophysical parameters (a, m, n, mineralogical compositions) and magnetic resonance characterization for realistic pore volumes and producibility of reservoirs.

This institute is the nodal agency for Geomechanical studies and has built calibrated Geomechanical models for reducing NPT and identifying sweet zones for well placement and planning effective stimulation jobs including Hydro-fracturing.


  • Petrophysical Evaluation: CEWELL specializes in the petrophysical evaluation of diverse reservoirs, including LRLC reservoirs, gas hydrates, complex carbonates, shale gas, and tight and HP-HT reservoirs.
  • Geomechanics and NMR Studies: CEWELL conducts comprehensive geomechanical studies and advanced NMR studies, offering non-destructive measurements, permeability modeling, and fluid typing.
  • Standard Operating Procedures: CEWELL prepares standard operating procedures (SOPs) for API-related petrophysical data, ensuring consistent and accurate data management and analysis.
  • Laboratory Facilities: CEWELL is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, including a petrophysical laboratory, NMR lab, core sampler and analyzer, XRD lab, and humidity and temperature-controlled oven for precise sample analysis.
  • Data Integration and Knowledge Dissemination: CEWELL excels in integrating pore scale and log scale petrophysics and disseminates knowledge through its extensive research and development activities.
  • Data Centre: CEWELL's Data Centre supports processing and interpretation efforts with advanced hardware and software, including high-end workstations, servers, and specialized software platforms like TECHLOG, GEOLOG, PETREL, and DS-PETROPHYSICS.

Highlights of FY 2023-24

A total of 27 scheduled projects have been completed under AWP 2023-24 and 39 unscheduled projects are completed.

Significant projects

  • Integrated petrophysical evaluation of key Wells of KG Deepwater Open Acreage
  • Characterization of Low Resistivity Low Contrast pays in Banskandi/Bhubandar area.
  • Integrated Geomechanical studies of Mandhali Pay sands of Sobhasan complex.
  • Geomechanical Studies for Wells Drilled in Nagayalanka Field for Efficient HF Design
  • Mineralogical studies on core/ cutting samples of Basal Clastics of WOB, Mumbai
  • AI/ML Based for Petro-physical Evaluation of wells of Lakwa Field with Vintage Russian Logs Basin
  • Study/Field implementation, reserve accretion and location released
    • In well Nandasan-202, based on the recommended testing intervals, the Object-II in the interval 2127-2137 m within Mandhali was tested and carried our HF. Observed oil ~10 m3 with WC: 24% post HF. The well is under further testing.
    • The recommended Object-I (KS-XB) in the interval 1324-1327 m in well Jetalpur-4, on testing flowed @ 15 m3/day with W/C - 84%.
    • Based on the recommendation of CEWELL, the intervals (1280 – 1283 m & 1286 – 1289 m) in YCS pay of exploratory well Chaklasi-16, was tested and yielded emulsified oil. On further activation through HF, well flowed oil and water.
    • In well Padra#199 the OS-1 (Olpad) sand in the interval 837-838.5 m was recommended and on testing, flowed oil @ ~30 m3/d.
    • Based on the recommendations in well Sobhasan#364, the sand MP-VIA in the interval 1545-1548 m was tested and flowed oil @ 4.2 m3/d. The MDT taken at depth   1547.54 m gave WBM Filtrate + Oil (58%). Also, MRIL station reading diffusion analysis also indicated oil presence at depth 1547.5 m. Both T1 & T2 measurements were recorded in MRIL, and oil presence is observed at 1547.5 m in two dimensional T1-T2 fluid characterization.
    • In well Jhalora#178, based on the recommendations, the K-VII sand was tested as Object-II by perforating in the interval 1512 -1514 m. During activation, collected 200lts of waxy oil. The sand K-VII was concluded as oil bearing and requires HF.
    • CEWELL processed the log of old well Jakasana-1 on the request of WON Basin, wherein some missed opportunities in Olpad formation were brought out. Based on CEWELL evaluation, the proposal for new exploratory location BNK-51 was agreed in 35th EPMB.
    • In well LINCH#229, the OCS LU-1A sand in the interval 2311m-2312.5m was recommended and on testing, flowed water with oil traces and feeble gas.
    • The K-II sand encountered in the well JHALORA-178 was tested as Object-IV in the interval 1427-1430 m and was found to be oil bearing and requires A/L.
    • In Well-Sobhasan#364, Object-III (MP-VIA) in the interval 1545-1548 m on testing flowed oil @ 20 m3/day with 60% Water cut.
    • In well West Matar-2, GS-6 sand on testing in the interval 2085-2086.5 m as Obj-IA (TCP), flowed Ql: 80.2m3/d Qg: 9960m3/d.
    • In Well Dabka-67, Object-II in the 1831-1837m upon perforation flowed oil, gas and water, QL-20 M3 /Day QG-1855 M3/Day.
    • The RPM outputs provided for Gopavaram field were utilized for seismic inversion in GCM for Matsyapuri sands.
    • In well Padra-213, Trap section on testing flowed oil & gas.

Collaborative projects/Joint Research projects/ MOUs

The following collaborative projects are underway:

  • Understanding, exploring the relevance and Piloting Thermal Petrophysics studies in Indian Basins (With Skoltech, Russia)
  • Core based Reservoir Characterization of Mandhali pays in Sobhasan Field based on core studies of Parametric Well SBMQ (With IRS, Ahmedabad)

Technology Induction/Absorption

Procurement of 20 TB Network – Attached Storage (NAS) completed through GEM and installed for sharing of business data at CEWELL in secure environment.

Papers Published / Presented

The institute published/presented 12 technical papers in national/international - journals/conferences in 2023-24

IPRs / Patents / Copyrights / Trademarks

The institute holds 4 patents as on 31st March 2024. The following are the details for FY 23-24:

Patent Granted: 4

  • “Process for estimating water saturation and net pay in laminated shale sand reservoirs” (Patent no.441340).
  • "Process for estimation of free fluid cut off value from nuclear magnetic resonance logs" (Patent no.462993).
  • "Process of estimation of realistic hydrocarbon saturation by computation of cementation exponent of sub-surface formations" (Patent no.493741)
  • "Method for characterizing fluid components of shale reservoirs using 2D NMR spectroscopy" (Patent no.494912)