
Sea Survival Training

  • Why is Sea Survival Training critical?

  • ONGC’s Sea Survival Centre: A National, and indeed, a Global asset

  • Safety is paramount and valuable

  • A Training for all!

  • Other important training protocols


Asset Publisher

अद्यतन: मुंबई उरान ट्रंक से तेल की रिसाव बंद कर दिया

It is observed that the leakage of oil has stopped. Coast Guard had assessed the situation of oil spill and feeling that matter is under control decided to withdraw the Regional Contingency Plan. It has been estimated that oil spill will be dispersed within 48 hours.

Surveillance and monitoring of operations will continue jointly by ONGC and Coast Guard.

Oil production has resumed from Mumbai High through ICP-Heera Uran Trunk (HUT) pipeline.

Issued By
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.
Corporate Communications, New Delhi,
Phone: +91-11-23320032
Tele-Fax: 011-23357860
Mail: ongcdelhicc@ongc.co.in