“Jal hai to Jeevan hai”, taking inspiration from this, ONGC has installed a Reverse Osmosis (RO) based Water Cooler just outside the exit gate of Deendayal Upadhyay Bhawan (DUB) to make the clean drinking water available to all. The RO Water Cooler was inaugurated by the Director (HR) Dr. Alka Mittal on 11 July 2019. On this occasion, saplings were also planted to purify the environment around DUB. These are proactive CSR initiatives by ONGC under its ongoing Swacchta Pakhwada fortnight from 1 -15 July 2019. ONGC endeavours to make Water and Oxygen, the two basic amenities, available to all.
Inauguration of RO Water Cooler outside ONGC DUB office by Director (HR) Dr Alka Mittal
The RO based water cooler was inaugurated by Director (HR) in the presence of Chief CSR Mr. S.S.C. Parthiban, E.D. (F&A) Ms. Pomila Jaspal, Head Co-ordination Mr. H.P. Singh and other senior ONGC officials. This was followed by planting of saplings by the dignitaries. The RO based Water Cooler installation is a joint effort of both ONGC and NGO Pacific Creative Society. To avoid wastage of water, not more than 200 ml of water can be taken at a time.
Plantation Drive being carried out by the senior ONGC executives
Contaminated drinking water is a source of spreading diseases thereby causing ill-health. ONGC took this proactive step to provide pure and filtered drinking water available to everyone in this scorching summer heat of Delhi.
RO based water filter installed at the main exit of ONGC, DUB