- Six Monthly EC Compliance Report Jaisalmer Basin, Rajasthan
- Development of Vashishta and S-1 fields of K G Offshore
- Onshore terminal of Vashishta and S1 under construction
- Compliance Status of Jharia CBM Block
- Cuddalore CSR Report
- Six monthly compliance Reports of Environmental Clearance for Exploratory Drilling of Wells of Siswa ML(SSAF) of ONGC, WOB , Baroda 27.01.2016
- Six monthly compliance Reports of Environmental Clearance for Exploratory Drilling of Wells of ONGC, WOB , Baroda 03.02.2016
- Six monthly compliance Reports of Environmental Clearance for Exploratory Drilling of Wells of ONGC, WOB , Baroda 15.02.2016
- Six monthly compliance Reports of Environmental Clearance for Exploratory Drilling of Wells of ONGC, WOB , Baroda 02.02.2016
- Compliance report for 350 development wells in Mehsana Asset (Oct 2015 to Mar 2016)
- KG-PG Basin EC Compliance Report for October 2015 to March 2016
- Test reports for EC Complianc 1 April to 30 Sep15
- EC for Complianc 1 April to 30 Sep 15
- Complianc April-15 to Sept-15
- Six monthly compliance to Environmental clearance (EC) for Development drilling of 350 Nos. of development wells in Mehsana Asset.
- Cauvery Basin -EC Compliance status of LII PEL Block- 01.10.2016 to 31.03.2017
- Exploratory Drilling of 182 wells in 33 Blocks Western onshore basin, Baroda
- Exploratory Drilling of 67 wells in 23 Blocks Western onshore basin, Baroda
- Cauvery Basin-EC Compliance Status of L I Block- 01.10.2016 to 31.03.2017
- KG Basin- EC compliance reports for the period 01-10-2016 to 31-03-2017
20 Items per Page