Sea Survival Training
- Why is Sea Survival Training critical?
- ONGC’s Sea Survival Centre: A National, and indeed, a Global asset
- Safety is paramount and valuable
- A Training for all!
- Other important training protocols
Presentation of cases to IEMs
PMC Circular No. 36/2015 - Dated 22.09.2015 - Resolution of disputes through conciliation by OEC PMC Circular No. 35/2015 - Dated 22.09.2015
- Mobilization advance and preparation of cost estimates PMC Circular No. 34/2015 - Dated 28.08.2015
- Procurement of Cementing Units and Batch Mixers PMC Circular No. 33/2015 - Dated 27.08.2015
- Empanelment of vendors PMC Circular No. 32/2015 - Dated 30.07.2015
- Category Management Policy PMC Circular No. 31/2015 - Dated 18.07.2015
- Methodology for holding negotiation in cases involving purchase preference to eligible bidders PMC Circular No. 30/2015 - Dated 18.07.2015
- Participation by MSEs in ONGC tenders and splitting tendered quantity among bidders in cases where Govt. policy for purchase preference is involved PMC Circular No. 29/2015 - Dated 17.07.2015
- Sharing of SAP authorisation PMC Circular No. 28/2015 - Dated 15.07.2015
- Local helpdesk for providing support to e-procurement users PMC Circular No. 27/2015 - Dated 07.07.2015
- Improvement in monitoring of the contract execution PMC Circular No. 26/2015 - Dated 07.07.2015
- Preference to Demestically Manufactured Electronic Products (DMEP) in Government procurement PMC Circular No. 25/2015 - Dated 29.06.2015
- Availing EPCG benefits PMC Circular No. 24/2015 - Dated 29.06.2015
- Time to be allowed to tenderers to quote against ONGC's tenders for procurement of chemicals PMC Circular No. 23/2015 - Dated 23.06.2015
- Online Reporting of Nomination Cases PMC Circular No. 22/2015 - Dated 19.06.2015
- Evasion of Custom Duty by companies through intended misuse of Essentiality Certificate (EC) issued by DGH against recommendatory letters (RL) issued by ONGC to companies 20/2015
- Review of the provisions under para 1.3 of Integrated MM Manual pertaining to centralized procurement of Type-A and Type-B items by Corporate -MM Delhi and ONSG Baroda respectively 21/2015
- Stock verification of Assets in ICE 19/2015
- Modifications to variours provisions of Integrated MM Manual (IMMM) 18/2015
- Modifications to variours provisions of Integrated MM Manual (IMMM) 17/2015
- Preference to Domestically Manufactured Electronic Products (DMEP) in Government procurement 16/2015
- Fair Wage Policy (FPR) 15/2015
- Consideration of representations submitted by the bidders to Independent External Monitors (IEMs) 14/2015
- Processing of cases for putting the erring firms on holiday/banning 13/2015
- Uploading list of circulars valid for tender/contract pertaining to Charter Hire of rigs and LSTK contracts 12/2015
- Re-introduction of e-reverse auction process11/2015
- Rate contract for Bioremediation 10/2015
- Workability of rate09/2015
- Monitoring of pending PRs 08/2015
- System improvement for Board Purchases 07/2015
- Implementation of Integrated MM Manual06/2015
- Processing of tenders valuing Rs. 50 Crores and above 05/2015
- Formation of Tender Committee04/2015
- Delay in Award after finalization of tender03/2015
- Processing of tenders valuing Rs. 50 crores and above 02/2015
- Formation of Tender Committee and powers for carrying out various activities01/2015