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नेशनल ज्योग्राफिक होस्ट ओएनजीसीयन की 'बिग कैट' फोटो

Leopard featured in NatGeo’s Daily DozenLeopard featured in NatGeo’s Daily Dozen

World  famous National Geographic has listed EE (Reservoir), Mr. M A Jayaraj’s Leopard  photo and hosted on its website under the Daily Dozen Category recently.

The Leopard figuring in the International Union for  Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List has been clicked in Nagarhole Tiger  Reserve in Kodagu District in South Karnataka during wildlife hobbyist’s recent  forest expedition.

Asset Manager and Jayaraj with the NatGeo hosted imageAsset Manager and Jayaraj with the NatGeo hosted image

ED-Asset  Manager, Mr Debasis Sanyal congratulated Mr Jayraj for his extraordinary feat  and stated that hobbies are essential elements and needs to be honed to enhance  a personality. Reminding World  Environment Day-2016 theme, “Go Wild for Life-Zero tolerance for the illegal wildlife trade.” he added photography  is one of the powerful tools to create the awareness about wildlife and its  conservation. Like  ONGC, I am committed to save environment and dedicated to fuel nation’s growth  reiterated Mr Jayraj, speaking to OR.net.


An  hour before the close of the forest visiting hours, while on the guided tour  jeep, I spotted the Leopard from fifty meters. The animal was agile and athletic adding beauty to the environs. Observed its behavior and body  movements thoroughly.

Requested  the driver to slow down the vehicle. Gradually proceeded towards the animal as  close as 15 meters to frame it within the natural environs. I positioned myself  firmly to capture its sharp looks, ready for action body posture, and clicked  few snaps while the hooter was blown by the forest authorities and the day was  transforming into twilight. It all happened in few seconds and the beautiful ‘frame’  was the result, explained the naturalist animatedly. And wants to dedicate this  photo to his better-half, Ms A Sribavani.

The  photo was given only very minimal touch-ups and loaded on to the NatGeo’s Your  Shot digital community of 737,158 members spanning across the 195 countries  with an archive of 6,388,788 photos and still counting. Your Shot is an  e-initiative of NatGeo to tell the stories collaboratively through big, bold  photography and expert curation.

Jayraj’s  picture was the only one from India in the Daily Dozen list on the day of  hosting. Innumerable pictures are hosted by the global community everyday and  the internationally known wildlife photo editors’ pick only twelve in a day  from the world of images for hosting. These pictures may have a chance of  getting published in the 128 year old institution publication NatGeo’s  magazine.

Bengal tiger-(Panthera tigris tigris), Shot @ Bandipur Tiger reserves, Karnataka Bengal tiger-(Panthera tigris tigris), Shot @ Bandipur Tiger reserves, Karnataka

CC, Rajahmundry